embracing a posture of readiness
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i'll go.
Then I heard the Lord asking,
“Whom shall I send as a messenger
to my people? Who will go?”
And I said, “Lord, I’ll go! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8
i'll go vision 2023
Our goal is to maximize our finances for the mission of rescuing and empowering disciples of Jesus. These funds will help us accomplish the vision for 2023 which includes:
— Financially preparing for local expansion as opportunities present.
— Rescuing and empowering new disciples of Jesus.
— Renovating the funeral home property to better equip disciples.
— Working alongside our global and local partners to launch new “lifesaving stations” along the coast.
— Reducing existing debt.
In preparation for this bold new adventure, consider engaging individually or with your small group using our weekly Study Notes.

i'll go

embracing a posture of readiness
We all know that friend - the one ready to drop everything for a road trip, jump into the water when others are uneasy, or be the first to respond when you're in need.

It's more than just looking for fun. It's about embracing a posture of readiness. It's an attitude that says "I'll go" with joy, despite the cost, because of the commitment.

But readiness demands something from us. It requires reps. It takes time and diligence to create space for opportunities.
It's a lifestyle.

i'll go

because he came
Our response to the sacrifice of Jesus is a commitment to help heal the broken parts of ourselves, our families, and our communities.

We cannot do it alone, and we don't have to. We were created to live, grow, and thrive with others. Even beyond that, the creator of all brings us to a place of intimate relationship.

Jesus is the reason for it all. His life, death, and resurrection equip us with the power to carry out His mission of restoration.

i'll go

with purpose
We aren't going haphazardly or out of compulsion. We are going with purpose, to carry out the mission Jesus has set before us.

We're going so that others might know Him and that we might know Him more. We're going because we want to see His kingdom and will established here on Earth.